Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday, November 1st, 2019

I hope everyone had a great evening last night, I know that the students enjoyed their day at school. We met with our buddies for our 1st Annual Buddy Spooktacular. Students engaged in interactive activities like What's That Smell?, Ring Toss, What's That Sound? and Mystery Touch & Feel.

During our in class visit with our Museum School representative on Tuesday, we learned a little bit more about what next week will be like at the museum. We observed and handled various artifacts, and practiced some of our sketching and thinking routines. 

As a follow up, students engaged in a thinking routine titled "Compass Points". This allowed them to share what excites them about Museum school, what worries they may have, what else they need to know, and any suggestions for Mrs Morden moving forward. 

Please have a conversation with your child this weekend about these important points in order to help prepare them for our week ahead at the Glenbow Museum. 

- Our Glenbow Museum School classroom has all the items that we need for the day, just like a regular classroom it has books, supplies, tables, chairs, a carpeted area for discussions, a sink. We will keep our field journals and indoor shoes in the classroom at the end of each day. 
- Pack your regular lunch each day and don't forget a water bottle
- Dress for the weather- during lunch time we will have opportunities to go outside, play games, walk and get some fresh air! 
- Don't bring any extra valuables like money or electronics like cellphones.
- The bus ride will be approximately 20-25 minutes each way!
- On Friday, November 8th we have planned to extend our school day to a FULL DAY. Parents need to be at the school to pick up students at 2:35 PM.
- We will be leaving the school at 8:30 and returning by 2:35 each day.
- Each afternoon, students will have a chance to visit a gallery of choice based on their personal interests! 
- Thursday is the day that we get to go behind the scenes!
- All students have done so much preparation already & will have an amazing week of learning and fun! 

I am still in need of a volunteer on Wednesday, November 6th and Friday, November 8th. Please let me know if you are available to help! 

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs. Morden

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