Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019

Hello Room 5 families,

Today we started inquirying into The Design Process, with help from the story "The Most Magnificent Thing" written by Ashley Spires. The story is about a little girl who sets out to make The Most Magnificent Thing for her pet dog. She goes through steps such as brainstorming, evaluating, designing, testing, and feedback to create a final design. We are going to engage in a similar design challenge as we set out to make The Most Magnificent Thing for a student in Room 7. Tomorrow we will begin with the Discovery & Empathy step as we interview our partner to determine their likes, dislikes, needs and wants. Students are asked to start an Engineer's Treasure Collection by filling a shoebox with a variety of loose part materials. Please have the shoebox to the school by Monday, December 2nd. Students can always add more materials to their shoeboxes as time passes. Tonight you will find that your child came home with a list that they generated at school of possible items for their Engineer's Treasure Collection box. See below for some additional ideas! 

Have a nice evening,

Mrs. Morden

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, November 20th

I look forward to meeting with all families during our November Learning Conferences on Thursday evening or Friday morning. 

Students had an opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair today for a viewing. The Book Fair will be open during conferences. Please note the Scholastic Book Orders sent home last week will be the last ones before the new year, a great way to get some Holiday shopping in! 

Please note that there was a mistake in the amount being charged for the upcoming Mobile Escape Room in school field trip. The actual amount for this experience is $11.00. If you plan to pay online this amount will be reflected once it has posted online. If you have already paid cash, I will return the change. If you have paid with a cheque I will ask the office to support in returning the difference- you may also send a new updated cheque and I will return the old one to you. Thanks for your flexibility! 

Please note that Pokemon cards, toys, or electronics are not to be brought to school. If your child participates in Card Club on Thursdays, they must bring their cards to Mr. Link or myself in the morning for safe keeping. Thank you for your support.

Take care,

Mrs. Morden 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday, November 15th, 2019

Dearest Room 5 Families,

I had fallen ill at the beginning of the school week, and unfortunately had to take the past three days away from the students.

In hopes to keep the experiences that students had at Museum School alive I am sharing some photographs of our memorable moments at Museum School. It would be appreciated for you to look at these photographs with your child, asking them questions to spark their ideas and the learning that was connected to these experiences. On Monday, we look forward to collaborating with Ms Bouchard's Room 7 class who had a similar experience this week at Museum School.

Have an enjoyable weekend with family

Mrs. Morden

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Volunteers Needed for Book Fair

We are still in need of volunteers for our upcoming book fair.

We are pleased to be offering a book fair again this year over Parent Teacher Conferences. We are looking for parent volunteers who would be interested in helping set up the book fair, as well as some parents to help with the book fair while it is running.

If you are able to volunteer during any of the time slots below we would greatly appreciate it! Please email Pam Green with the time and day you are available to help at pngreen@cbe.ab.ca

Tuesday, November 19th – (set up)
  • 9:00 a.m. (2 more needed)
Wednesday, November 20th (previewing)

12:30pm - 2:35pm (1 volunteers needed)

Thursday, November 21st (previewing and evening purchasing)

8:15- 11:30am (1 volunteers needed for previewing)
12:30pm - 2:35pm (1 volunteers needed)

Friday, November 22nd (purchasing)

8:00am-1:00pm (3 volunteers needed)


Veterans Food Drive

The current food drive organized by the Grade 6 Students In Action Club has already been a great success so far.  The LBS community has showing how generous they are and have brought in a large amount of items to be donated and that will surely make a big difference in peoples' lives.  We are continuing to collect items until this Friday, November 15th, so please do your best to help the Students In Action Club reach their goal of collecting 500 items! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Veterans Food Drive

Hello Parents and Families!  

The LBS Students In Action Club is organizing a food drive this year, in order to help make a positive change in peoples’ lives.  All donations will be given to the Veteran Food Bank. We will be collecting non-perishable food items until Friday, November 15th. Our goal is to collect 500 food items! Please support our food drive and help show our appreciation and generosity to those who have served in the Canadian Forces.  

The Students in Action Club

Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday, November 1st, 2019

I hope everyone had a great evening last night, I know that the students enjoyed their day at school. We met with our buddies for our 1st Annual Buddy Spooktacular. Students engaged in interactive activities like What's That Smell?, Ring Toss, What's That Sound? and Mystery Touch & Feel.

During our in class visit with our Museum School representative on Tuesday, we learned a little bit more about what next week will be like at the museum. We observed and handled various artifacts, and practiced some of our sketching and thinking routines. 

As a follow up, students engaged in a thinking routine titled "Compass Points". This allowed them to share what excites them about Museum school, what worries they may have, what else they need to know, and any suggestions for Mrs Morden moving forward. 

Please have a conversation with your child this weekend about these important points in order to help prepare them for our week ahead at the Glenbow Museum. 

- Our Glenbow Museum School classroom has all the items that we need for the day, just like a regular classroom it has books, supplies, tables, chairs, a carpeted area for discussions, a sink. We will keep our field journals and indoor shoes in the classroom at the end of each day. 
- Pack your regular lunch each day and don't forget a water bottle
- Dress for the weather- during lunch time we will have opportunities to go outside, play games, walk and get some fresh air! 
- Don't bring any extra valuables like money or electronics like cellphones.
- The bus ride will be approximately 20-25 minutes each way!
- On Friday, November 8th we have planned to extend our school day to a FULL DAY. Parents need to be at the school to pick up students at 2:35 PM.
- We will be leaving the school at 8:30 and returning by 2:35 each day.
- Each afternoon, students will have a chance to visit a gallery of choice based on their personal interests! 
- Thursday is the day that we get to go behind the scenes!
- All students have done so much preparation already & will have an amazing week of learning and fun! 

I am still in need of a volunteer on Wednesday, November 6th and Friday, November 8th. Please let me know if you are available to help! 

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs. Morden